
In 2007, during his mission trip with a nonprofit organization to Vietnam, Réhahn has feel in love with the people of this country. He begins to invest more time into exploring the Vietnamese and its culture through his camera lens during his yearly trip to Vietnam. It was only in 2011 that Réhahn decided to relocate his life by moving to a small town of Hoi An, Vietnam.

Only 145 of the photos have made it to his first photo-book “Vietnam – Mosaic of Contrasts.

The book is a story that the photographer wishes to share with the world about his view and stories of Vietnam. It depicts different facets of Vietnam in Réhahn’s very own way and his intention is to allow each viewer to absorb the photos in their own natural way just like how he capture his models.

Réhahn passion for photography is insatiable, driven by a thirst for knowledge and sharing of a rich professional and experienced staff.
Networking between Réhahn and Motaïba travel agency is a source of new photographic projects being reflections of Vietnamese realities.